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Friday, March 27, 2009
I got a confession.

I fucking hate people who destroy their lives.

Not the smoking kind.

Those self abuse in forms of bloody wrists and fucking eat disorders.

Fucking tired of it.

And to that FUCKER who started this shit when I was in secondary school.

If I find out who the fuck you are.

I will probably land myself in DB.

Actually the likelihood of you reading this and understanding it is close to nil. Just feels FUCKING awesome to find a place to unleash my fury. My book-out mood is fucked now.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It's strange. I've been thinking about it a lot the last few days whenever I find myself not preoccupied by stuff. Not morbid suicidal thoughts of course. Just thoughts about where we go after we pass on. I admit it scares me a little. Perhaps it's because I do not follow any religious teachings closely and thus, not find a sense of security in the afterlife. How could something that is able to think for itself for the last few decades suddenly slip into non-existence? What awaits us if we do not slip into non-existence? Is there really something or someone waiting for us? What we do not understand, scares us. Perhaps it's human's inability to cope with what awaits us that coerces us into creating theories about reincarnation and other heavenly places.

Religious people out there might start hating me or feel strongly about slamming me about this post. But I'm a free thinker. I believe in a higher being. It's just that I do not tie myself down to a single religion. In fact, religion as a subject intrigues me very much. But this is not a post about my beliefs, but about death.

So if we do die, do we become souls? Drifting between planes of realism and existence, and sometimes take form and be termed as spirits or ghosts? Or are we tied down to our bodies or ashes? It must really suck if that's true, knowing that you're thoughts and feelings still exist but are trapped in an immobile body a few feet underground. No one really knows. Probably explains the spamming of question marks in this post.

O well. Detroit Metal City is out tomorrow. Woo! JAPANESE METAL! BANZAI!

Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Just watched Watchmen. Awesome show.

Most of the people I know that have watched it found it stupid and a waste of money. But the concept of the whole movie is amazing. Firstly, it deconstructs the stereotype of superheroes, transforming them into mere humans who sin like every other being. Secondly, it questions the value of human life. *Spoiler Alert* At the end of the movie, the sinister plot is finally unveiled, which involves the sacrificial of millions of lives to save billions from a possible nuclear holocaust. Makes one wonder: Can the value of human life be measured by numbers? Does one life worth less than five?

And the character Rorschach, played by Jackie Earle Haley, is just effing cool. I mean, the rough, raspy voice, his unpredictable temperament, his ever-changing ink patterns on his mask. Just so cool. I might even start talking like him.

So if you can just look past the director's fetish with blue male genitals, and the meaningless after-heroic-act sex, it's a definite must-watch. But you will probably have to think over the movie after you watch it to let it sink in.

Definitely not your usual Superhero movie.

"I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me." - Rorschach


Saturday, March 7, 2009
"Humans are no strangers to war. After all, we've been fighting for as long as we can remember. War is all we know. In the past, we fought for Imulsion. We fought for country. We fought for freedom. But that changed after E-day.

For fifteen years, we've been fighting for our very survival against inhuman, genocidal monsters... but it is a fight we cannot continue. Humanity faces extinction unless we end this war now. We had hoped the Lightmass bombing would decimate the Locust Horde, but they survived, and have returned stronger than ever. They've bought with them a force that can sink entire cities. Even Jacinto, our last beacon of hope through all these dark days, is now at risk. Soon we'll have nothing left to defend and that means we have only one option.

Gears, what I ask of you now is not an easy thing, but it is necessary. If we are to survive, if we are to live long enough to see the seasons pass, our children grow, and experience a time of peace that we have never known, we must now take this fight to the locust. We will go to where they live and where they breed.. and we will destroy them!

This is the day we take the battle to the heart of the enemy! This is the day that we correct the course of human history! THhis is the day we ensure our survival as a species! Soldiers of the COG, my fellow Gears, go forth and bring back the hope of humanity!"

One of the best game speeches I've ever heard. From Gears of War 2. Just got my hands on it today. It was a good buy. Hooked onto it now. WOO


Friday, March 6, 2009
Got my results yesterday. Did much better than I expected. But didn't feel much euphoria about it. Damn tired.

2 years of slogging for one cert that will change my life.
Education system in Spore sucks. Maybe I'm influenced by my bunk mates. But I'm considering going to an overseas university. Heh.

LAN and Mahjong with class peeps after that. Came home 2 hours ago (9am).

POC in 2 days. Hell yeah!


Friday, February 20, 2009
my bunk's full of fking awesome people.
1 day book out before the next book in, which is supposedly the start of a very "hiong" week. field camp and range.

I've made up my mind.
I ain't wasting no more time.
Here I go again on my own.
Going down the only road I've ever known.
Like a drifter I was born to walk alone.

Awesome lyrics. And no, I'm not being emo. Well, maybe a little. But the song's really awesome. It's Here I Go Again by Whitesnake. Pretty old song. And the girl in the MV is pretty fine. Those old american kind of hot.


Friday, February 13, 2009
17 days of confinement. 17 days of utter boredom.

My bunk's full of hilarious people though. That's a plus.
The food's awesome. That's a plus.
The Sgts. are awesome. That's a plus.
The weather at Tekong is awesome. That's a plus.
Nobody really gives a shit about how stupid you look with tucked in shirts and pulled socks. That's a plus.

My coy's littered of interesting-in-the-wrong-way and sometimes-mildly-disturbing people. So that's a minus.
Given the duty to clean the toilet for the whole of BMT. That's a minus. (I mean, you clean it. And it gets dirty. And it seems like you never cleaned it.)

Yea. Tekong's pretty summed up in those few sentences. Hm. Not a lot of things to talk about really.

But everyone was pretty high today during book out. Pretty much ran home from the MRT. Awesome.

Check Clear. ROFL!



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